Category Archives: Water

How do we ensure essential services are affordable post Covid-19?

As we start to think about how we respond to the
longer-term financial impacts of Covid-19, and linked
to that how we can best ensure that essential services
such as water, telecoms and energy are affordable for
citizens in the future, Sustainability First challenges us not
to fall into the trap of ‘group think’ and ‘collective failure of imagination’ when it comes to exploring the potential scenarios, options
and the solutions.

Moving Forward Together on Consumer Experience

UKRN, with the FCA, Ofcom, Ofgem, Ofwat and CCWater, have worked together to develop a set of performance scorecards to measure the customer experience across key sectors. You can now access the scorecards for financial services, communications, energy, and water in one place – with consumer metrics covering service quality, price differentials and satisfaction levels.

What would really help consumers of essential services?

The report of the ESAN Conference 2018 with conference slides and videos of the presentations where available have now been published. Thank you to everyone who attended and special thanks for the BT team who hosted the event. Please continue to share your thoughts of what would really help consumers of essential services on #ESANdebate.

Wessex Water launches mental health training video to help staff working with vulnerable customers

To coincide with national mental health awareness week (8 to 14 May 2017) Wessex Water has launched an animated mental health awareness video. The video, developed in partnership with local mental health charity, Wiltshire Mind, highlights common issues associated with Wessex Water BlueGreen RGBmental ill health, which affects one in for people in the UK each year. The video is part of a range of training materials developed for Wessex Water employees who deal with customers in vulnerable circumstances.

Tackling poverty in Wales together

On 28 February the Consumer Council for Water is hosting a conference that will bring together utility companies, Government and consumer representatives, regulators and the advice sector in Wales. The conference aims to raise awareness of the help available for the financially vulnerable and explore opportunities to work together to help reduce poverty in Wales.  For more information please contact, or register here.ccw_logo_best 300dpi

#esanevent stimulates debate on consumer voice

On Wednesday 2 November, 18 speakers and 92 delegates came together at the iconic BT Tower for the ESAN Conference: How can the consumer voice be better heard in the regulation of essential services?  “Fantastic speakers, great content, excellently chaired”   #esanevent
Earth Hour

UKRN launches leaflet for vulnerable consumers seeking support services

ukrnThe UK Regulators’ Network has today launched an advisory leaflet to help ensure vulnerable consumers get the help they need to access essential services.

Produced through a collaborative effort between Ofgem, Ofcom, Ofwat, the ORR and the CAA, the leaflet highlights a range of free support services offered by utility, telecommunications and public transport providers.

The UKRN website gives details of how to get braille, audio and large print versions of the leaflet.