Category Archives: Vulnerability

ESAN/Fair By Design Poverty Premium Webinar

The Poverty Premium: A consumer perspective

On Monday, 22 February 2021 ESAN hosted the first of a series of special webinars.  Carl Packman from Fair by Design, presented the findings of a recent PFRC report looking at recent changes in relation to the poverty premium (the extra costs of being on a low income)  to understand how the costs and types of poverty premium have changed in the last few years.

How do we ensure essential services are affordable post Covid-19?

As we start to think about how we respond to the
longer-term financial impacts of Covid-19, and linked
to that how we can best ensure that essential services
such as water, telecoms and energy are affordable for
citizens in the future, Sustainability First challenges us not
to fall into the trap of ‘group think’ and ‘collective failure of imagination’ when it comes to exploring the potential scenarios, options
and the solutions.

Turn2Us Coronavirus appeal for crisis grants

National poverty charity, Turn2Us has launched a Coronavirus appeal in association with the Telegraph.  Funds raised through the appeal will provide crisis grants to help people who are unable to work and who need money to pay bills or make essential purchases; as well as helping expand their online and helpline services for the increasing number of people in need of them. Turn2Us has seen

an unprecedented surge in demand for their services since the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Inclusive Design in Essential Services

A new programme of research,  led by Fair By Design and the Money Advice Trust,  explores the issue of inclusive design in credit, insurance, energy and other essential services markets. The Inclusive Design in Essential Services project will publish two reports in 2020 on how regulators and businesses can adopt inclusive design strategies in their work. 

Tackling poverty in Wales together

On 28 February the Consumer Council for Water is hosting a conference that will bring together utility companies, Government and consumer representatives, regulators and the advice sector in Wales. The conference aims to raise awareness of the help available for the financially vulnerable and explore opportunities to work together to help reduce poverty in Wales.  For more information please contact, or register here.ccw_logo_best 300dpi

Citizens Advice publishes best practice guide for energy suppliers

On 18 January Citizens Advice published the findings of its research looking at how energy suppliers could effectively signpost and refer vulnerable customers to third parties, such as debt advice and support services.

The research found that fewer than 1 in 4 consumers believe that their energy supplier had ever offered them help and support, with fewer than one in ten being able to recall being signposted or referred to a third party organisation.
The best practice guide is designed to help energy suppliers signpost and refer vulnerable consumers to the right source of help.

#esanevent stimulates debate on consumer voice

On Wednesday 2 November, 18 speakers and 92 delegates came together at the iconic BT Tower for the ESAN Conference: How can the consumer voice be better heard in the regulation of essential services?  “Fantastic speakers, great content, excellently chaired”   #esanevent
Earth Hour